as informed in The gold value features $150.78 per ounce (13.1%), the New York Stock Exchange Arca Gold Miners Index was up 12.2%, & the MVIS universal Junior Gold Miners Index gained 6.2%. Based on the gold value Dominance next December average promotes in 2015 & 2016, we guess to see firmness in the gold value in the 1st quarter. Given the unchanged annual inflation rate, the fears of inflation perhaps be overdone. It displays yesterday's NY gold prices, hour after hour. So it Information Systems an inflation hedge, in a sense – however, what truly matters isn't the mere inflation rate, however the Fed's position against it!

collected by :kiven Dixter
Gold Prices Soar $25 On Technical Buying, Sinking unite states Dollar
(Kitco News) - Gold prices ended the unite states day session sharply up & chock a two-week high Wednesday. Buy stop order were triggered in the gold & silver futures markets the time near-term technical resistance standards were breached. However, the time the stock market purveyed off & became volatile the gold market quickly moved higher. Silver bulls' following upside value breakout objective Information Systems closing prices above solid technical resistance at $17.00 an ounce. Copper bulls' following upside value objective Information Systems pushing & closing prices above solid technical resistance at the December high of 323.65 mentioned in
collected by :kiven Dixter
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