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collected by :kiven Dixter
Gold average today: Track gold value in India
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gold average today: Gold value dip 14 points to 29,811 on universal cues
as informed in NEW DELHI: Gold prices display a slight decline with Republika Srpska 54 to Republika Srpska 29,771 per ten gram at the bullion market this day after the America $ recouped early losses, with Businessmen awaiting the launch of the unite states Fed Reserve's minutes from its September meeting for clues on more interest average hikes this year.The gold value for expiry in the 30 days of December declined Republika Srpska 54 to Republika Srpska 29,771 per ten gram at the several Commodity interchange & the metal for expiry in the 30 days of February stood at Republika Srpska 29,919 during early morning trade.The market analysts beleive cutting drop of positions with investors, tracking a weak trend in universal markets weighed on gold prices in futures trade in domestic market.The America gold futures for December delivery eased 0.3 per cent to $1,290 per ounce on Wednesday trading session.collected by :kiven Dixter
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