VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF GDXJ has reportedly "become too big for its index", the MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners Index. The fund has top holdings in Alamos Gold Inc AGI , Vaneck Vectors Gold Miners ETF GDX , and B2 Gold Corp BTG with 6.06%, 5.07%, and 4.87% allocation, respectively. It seeks to track the performance of micro and small-cap companies in the junior gold mining industry. VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX) for example, with a 5.07% allocation, has a weighted average market cap of $9.3 billion, thus marking a diversion from the investment objective. VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF is an attractive option to gain exposure to this precious metal without having to hold the physical commodity or going through the hassles of futures-based strategies.
as declared in But the real story in the precious metals is in the developing schizophrenia between gold and silver trading. The pound hit a six-month high versus the dollar, briefly trading above $1.29 but has since given up a few pips. Additional disclosure: I own some gold and silver, a few guitars and a lot of goats. And with early action from today, Gold round-tripped yesterday's rally and Silver sold off with it while the other Strategic Commodities have stabilized. The Dollar ProblemPresident Trump has given May all the support she needed to harden her negotiating stance with the EU.

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read more visit us gold
collected by :Jack Luxor
as declared in But the real story in the precious metals is in the developing schizophrenia between gold and silver trading. The pound hit a six-month high versus the dollar, briefly trading above $1.29 but has since given up a few pips. Additional disclosure: I own some gold and silver, a few guitars and a lot of goats. And with early action from today, Gold round-tripped yesterday's rally and Silver sold off with it while the other Strategic Commodities have stabilized. The Dollar ProblemPresident Trump has given May all the support she needed to harden her negotiating stance with the EU.

as declared in
Leveraged Gold Miner ETF Breaks Down
The VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF (GDXJ) prominently made headlines here at during the past week for running into "too big for its index" issues. Now another gold miner exchange-traded fund is in the news after facing different, but related, problems. After the market closed last Thursday, Direxion announced that it would be suspending creations of its Daily Junior Gold Miners Index Bull 3x facebook/" target="_blank">shares (JNUG), a leveraged product that tracks the same index as GDXJ―the MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners Index. Not The First ETF SuspensionThis isn't the first time an issuer has suspended creations for an exchange-traded product. JNUG's Unwieldy Exposure To GDXJOne thing JNUG shares with the now-defunct UWTI and the aforementioned IAU is that it is a more visit us gold
collected by :Jack Luxor
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