collected by :Jack Luxor

- JBGJ regards Indians buying less gold as cash crunch bites primarily as evidence that FOBs (Friends of Bloomberg) are not in gold.
follow the latest news and price the gold with sites for most famous technicals / by 2017-01-21 at 6:59
as declared in
Essential Commodities: Gold, Silver And Popcorn

- JBGJ regards Indians buying less gold as cash crunch bites primarily as evidence that FOBs (Friends of Bloomberg) are not in gold.
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Gold, Silver Down On Firmer U.S. Dollar, Profit Taking
- (Kitco News) - Gold and silver prices ended the U.S. day session lower Thursday, on downside corrections and some profit taking following recent good gains that have seen both markets hit two-month highs this week.
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Gold, Silver Steady-Weaker As U.S. Dollar Rallies Late This Week
- Best States For Business 2016(Kitco News) - Gold and silver prices are near unchanged to just slightly lower in early U.S. trading Friday, on mild corrective pullbacks and some more profit taking following recent gains that saw both markets hit two-month highs earlier this week.
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