collected by :Jack Luxor

- incidence command system key leadership training plan Establish an agency data and information management team Improve data and information posting and communicationsEstablish Communications Strike Teams and broaden data training for public information officers and public affairs staffInvest in data resources and clarify roles/responsibilitiesBuild capacity for rapid data collection, interpretation and disseminationAlign public affairs resources and update communications proceduresImprove notification procedures, plans and equipment
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- DENVER -- The Environmental Protection Agency said Friday it will not repay claims totaling more than $1.2 billion for economic damages from a mine waste spill the agency accidentally triggered in Colorado, saying the law prohibits it.
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- Yellow mine waste water is seen at the entrance to the Gold King Mine in San Juan County, Colorado, in this picture released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) taken August 5, 2015.
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follow the latest news and price the gold with sites for most famous technicals /Courtesy Eco Flight by 2017-01-15 at 8:17
as declared in
EPA outlines emergency management improvements after Gold King Mine spill

- incidence command system key leadership training plan Establish an agency data and information management team Improve data and information posting and communicationsEstablish Communications Strike Teams and broaden data training for public information officers and public affairs staffInvest in data resources and clarify roles/responsibilitiesBuild capacity for rapid data collection, interpretation and disseminationAlign public affairs resources and update communications proceduresImprove notification procedures, plans and equipment
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Gold King Mine spill: EPA says it won't pay $1.2 billion in damages over wastewater spill
- DENVER -- The Environmental Protection Agency said Friday it will not repay claims totaling more than $1.2 billion for economic damages from a mine waste spill the agency accidentally triggered in Colorado, saying the law prohibits it.
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EPA Says It Won't Pay Up On Gold King Mine Spill
- Yellow mine waste water is seen at the entrance to the Gold King Mine in San Juan County, Colorado, in this picture released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) taken August 5, 2015.
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